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O projeto-15.png


Folclore-se was created as a product of the Interdisciplinary Project subject of the 5th semester of the Languages - Translator and Interpreting course, offered by São Judas Tadeu University. Guided by Professor Edson Martins Junior, we should create a product that involves the content of current or past studied subjects. 


We chose to provide some legends of Brazilian folklore in English and contextualize issues of Brazilian culture for both native and foreign people. We covered the subjects History and Evolution of the Portuguese Language given by Jairo Postal, PhD. and Translation of Literary Texts given by Andréa Geroldo dos Santos, PhD. 


After a brainstorming we came to the theme Dissemination of the Brazilian Culture, where we approached texts from the book Lendas Brasileiras by Câmara Cascudo, which brings legends from all regions of Brazil. In addition to translating the legends into English, we created some visual products with explanatory texts of striking parts of the works. The products also have a QR Code that leads to our blog where the legends can be read in full.






The entire process was based on a schedule presented by the supervising professor, with the following steps: Writing down the work, Research, Elaboration and Production, within the stages and dates presented, we elaborated our project schedule as follows: 


I - Research: Choice of the theme, research of the books, choice of the book to be covered (book Lendas Brasileiras by Câmara Cascudo) and the decision of the book's legends (Chico-Rei, The Legend of the Sapucaia-Roca, The Legend of Itararé and The Death of Zumbi);


II - Translation process: Beginning of the translation, delivery of the translated text to the group, review of the translated texts (there were 4 reviews overwall, all members of the group reviewed all the texts) and the research for contextualization of terms that would come as footnotes on each legend; 


III - Assembly of the final product: Definition of the most striking phrases and words of the work that would be part of the visual product, and finally, the creation of the visual product and the blog.


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